In general, parole eligibility is controlled by Georgia statute, with many offenders becoming parole eligible after service of one-third of the offender’s sentence. Additionally, the Georgia Board of Pardons and Paroles (the “Georgia Parole Board”) has internal rules that it follows when reviewing offenders for parole. McIntyre & Associates keeps abreast of changes in both the law and the Georgia Parole Board’s policies to ensure that our clients receive the best and most accurate advice possible regarding parole matters.
Contrary to popular belief, the five Georgia Parole Board Members do not meet and vote together on cases nor do they have a face to face meeting with an offender. Rather, each Georgia Parole Board Member individually reviews an offender’s file and casts a vote. A final decision is reached when the majority (three Board Members) of the five-Member Board is in agreement on the minimum number of months for an offender to serve or, in the case of life sentences, in agreement on whether or not to parole the offender at the time of the vote.
With each Georgia Parole Board Member voting on hundreds of cases each day, a Board Member may only have a few minutes to review each offender’s file before casting a vote. Submitting thorough, lengthy materials to the Georgia Parole Board on behalf of an offender often proves counterproductive, because the Georgia Parole Board Members simply do not have time to review lengthy materials.
Each parole-eligible offender will be reviewed by the Georgia Parole Board only a limited number of times. Do not waste an opportunity to have the information most crucial to a favorable vote highlighted for the Georgia Parole Board Members when they cast their votes. With a former Georgia Parole Board Member on staff, McIntyre & Associates has the knowledge and experience to identify the key information in a client’s case that needs to be concisely presented to the Georgia Parole Board Members to maximize chances for a favorable parole decision.
For a detailed overview of the parole process in Georgia, please visit the official website of the Georgia Board of Pardons and Paroles at http://pap.georgia.gov/.